For the topic of GOD or NO GOD, Hitchens, Dawkins and others alike do a great job at defining many of the variables of such a question –whether God is good, picking apart the flaws of religion and even addressing evolution opposed to the creation account, but what I keep running into, is that many have little advice or evidence that would firmly establish there is no God. They do hit attributing factors, but appear to be more caught up in the insults of history and thereby ignore the direct question. One can come to the conclusion that God is not good, but still be left with the question, is there a God?
I really believe the origin of the universe is that billion-dollar question and is the constant we are looking for that would likely wash out many of the variables. If someone could establish another viable option for how the universe was created then there would be no need for God.
At the birth of our universe, whether you believe in the Big Bang, Evolution, creation or some combination of all three, you are still stuck with the question of, "what started it all?"
For the Big Bang, can nothing collide into nothing, explode, creating what we have now? For Evolution, where did the first organism come from that began the evolutionary process? In other words, can something evolve from nothing? Or, if some other life form started ours, what started their’s? Can Evolution, the Big Bang or other intelligent life be responsible for Origin, which, by definition precedes their vary existence? With all three hypotheses you are still left with no answer for origin, yet some treat them as if they are.
Even with the scientific method of deductive reasoning, and with the facts at hand, and projected to come, one is still left with the answer, no. Evolution and the Big Bang could be the direct outcome of the origin of our universe but they cannot reasonably or factually account for the creation of it. It is funny to me that the Virgin Birth of Christ is so openly mocked and belittled as being irrational yet some expect us to believe the same about our universe. With no factual alternative for the origin of humanity they want us to blindly believe in science, that the universe just appeared in time and space with no parents to birth it. If this is the best explanation that 4.5 billion years of evolution can give us then we as humanity are screwed.
I am NOT against science in any stretch of the imagination – I actually love it and study it, but it appears to me that scientific fact is falling a little short on this topic. Is it not in Science that in order to debunk an existing theory you must offer a better alternative – that not only explains all the attributes of the existing theory but improves upon it. So how has science done this with the idea that God created what we have now?
The powers of reason leave us with faith as the only option. We have no evidence and no observations that even remotely lead us to discovering an answer for origin, yet the atheist or “anti-theist” community is happy leaving it to our imaginations for the answer. So, even in atheist’s finest efforts we are still left with believing in something we cannot see.
I would even be so bold to suggest that Agnosticism and Atheism require even more faith than Christianity. At least God gives us a reasonable explanation for origin while the others leave us with the option of waiting another 1000 years before hoping to find something.
The point of it all – one can win the argument that an individual can live life on this earth peacefully without God, but the larger question is can the same be said for eternity?