Revive The Night


Waking up is for those who
don't dare to dream.

Find out how I went from having demonic dreams every night to having hundreds of God and prophetic dreams.

Get the facts that changed my night and life.

- Learn how to stop nightmares
- Receive answers to where dreams come from - Get tips on how to have God dreams
- Learn the truth behind interpreting dreams
- Get real dreams to practice your skills on
- Get questions to take you more in-depth
- Experience God, don’t just read about Him!

From a young age, I had horrific nightmares multiple times a night. Then around 25 years old, I had my first God dream which forever changed my life. Since I've had nearly a thousand like it and now rarely have bad dreams. Join me as I walk you through my journey from night to light!


Make Revive The Night 
a weekly Bible study.

Take the topics discussed deeper by reading through the book with your friends and church family. Each chapter has questions that will help you better process the content and walk out what it means to revive the night.

Buy The Book

Dream Journal

If the you want more, check out this resource that helps you record and breakdown the interpretive process of dreams. This journal will help you dissect your dreams in a way that is intuitive, fun and easy. 
Dream Journal - Better break down and interpret your dreams image
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