Is God Good?


// The Paradoxal Monkey Trap //

Questions about God never meant to bring answers...

With much hurt, death and failure so easily apparent in a world meant to be fashioned by a Good God… Is God really good?

Life can be complex at times, with answers appearing to be equally as confusing. Plain and simple. Life is hard sometimes. But to be fair, questions, like above appear to make life more convoluted than enlightened. So I really want to test the validity of such a question. To do that, must we not also apply that same question to other institutions and beliefs?

Lets look at government, money, love, marriage, children and so on through the same viel and questioning as when we access God. Could any of those be deemed good? Without money – there would be nothing to profit from war; one could not buy guns or drugs to kill, or how many times in human history has government gone corrupt and failed the very individuals it was created to serve. Or how many times has presumed love failed, hurting many in the process. Do we throw out government, love and money then…? Just because man has taken advantage of and perverted such institutions, does that make them inherently evil.

Just because an inanimate object or nature; such as a knife, fire or candlestick (with Miss Peacock in the library) can be used for destruction does not make those objects in themselves destructive. Have they also not been used to create light, craftsmanship, provide food and beauty?

Or does this question have failure written into the very nature of it…?

The questioning of God’s Goodness, in it-self, was never created to produce answers, but only created to produce more questions, equaling unbelief. The subjectivity of its nature makes it a slippery little devil. Ha. It’s a “Monkey Trap.” Once you grab a hold of such a question you are trapped / enslaved by it until you finally choose to let go.  

Whatever you look for you will discover. Ask any mid-school teacher if kids are evil. When walking through the forest I can find 1000’s dead of branches and fossils, once alive. If that’s all I chose to focus on, would I not innately believe the forest was dying?

Please look up!

How sad that I’ve walked most my life this way, failing to see the beauty all around because I chose to only look for the hurt and death behind every door. (I believe we do this to protect ourselves from more hurt and disappointment)


To a God that sums up His entire Law with this: “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and LIKE-WISE (to the same value) love others as yourself” (Galatians 5:14; Matthew 22:36-40)… I say I’ve been focusing on all the bad in something meant to create so much good!

Let us be a people that finally rise up to use a belief and institution for the greatness it was created for.

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